Overnight, my daughter turned into a "threenager."
It seemed as though the day after my daughter turned 3, she became a different being.
A young girl with attitude who presented herself as a teenager.
Immediately, my husband and I were triggered — this isn't how she's behaved with us in the past, and we weren't used to this behavior, but immediately, I turned to Janet Lansbury's FB group, to ensure that we were parenting as consciously as we possibly could.
If you're looking to learn more about this, definitely check out Janet Lansbury's books, one of them being, No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame, and listen to her podcast, Unruffled.
And, I'm definitely intentional with my verbiage, so I don't call our daughter a "threenager" often, but truly, she was acting like I was when I was a teen!
What's been your conscious parenting challenge lately?